Sunday, February 22, 2015

Our Accidental Hiatus

Hey there!

Some of you are asking why haven't we posted anything yet after creating this blog. Other people are saying that we might have broke up. The answer is no, we are still together and going strong. We celebrated our third year as partners last December. The reason why we haven't posted anything is we forgot the email address associated with this blog, so we can't retrieve anything. Hahaha

But here we are again ready to share our adventures with the rest of the world. We'll be posting past happenings and places that we've been. Once those are done, we'll discover new places together and we hope that you can join us.

We'll see you in the next posts!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Chibis

"We will conquer the Philippines, the world and the entire universe together"
Uhuh! You read it right this blog is not just me roaming around the country and the world, I also have my partner with me. We will conquer the whole world and the universe (if possible) together. Hand in hand and no one will let go.

2013 is the start of it. And we will share all our experiences with you. Whether its a new place that we discover or a new food that we taste. We will definitely tell the world everything about our adventures together.

So sit back, relax and wait for our adventures....